Working with Fear, Not Against It
Fear expresses itself in numerous ways. Fear is not a bad thing— fear is necessary. Especially when the fears are rational. Imagine you are crossing a road during peak hour traffic— no dedicated crossings— where would your attention be? Most of your attention would be on avoiding traffic. If it is your first time doing this, your heart rate will spike, your palms sweat, and your mind on hyper-alert— this is appropriate. The challenge is when we have an irrational fear.

Talent Chemistry: Identify Your Zone of 10X— Fast!
In the context of business, Talent Chemistry is the art of aligning diverse individual strengths, talents, and contributions, so that the output is greater than the sum of its parts (Talent Synergy): 1+1 >> 2

Coaching for Founder Performance
The importance or need for performance coaching isn’t always clear to startup founders. Often, founders stumble upon it thanks to having a curious, open mind. Other times, their co-founders and investors force it upon them as a form of ‘good medicine.’ In this post, I provide perspective on:
1) What founder coaching is and isn’t— and why this isn’t always clear, especially when it comes to startup company building.
2) The core benefits of any form of performance coaching so you know what to look for when you are looking.