The startup is modern capitalism’s art-form.
Think of a product you love…
Think of a product you would hate to lose…
Think of a product you can’t imagine living without.
Startups have created numerous avenues to improve the way we live, the way we work, and the way we interact with each other.
The startup is modern capitalism's art-form.
Though VC capital only represents 10’s of bps of the total private market in the US, public technology startups (E.g. FAANG) represent greater than 15% of the total US market capitalization.
But I don’t believe that’s the only reason startups are special. I believe the startup, at its core, is powerful because of something much deeper —
Its DNA resounds with the human spirit:
… That our differences— values, hopes, dreams, and talents— are to be celebrated, not suppressed.
… That the freedom to share our creations through an economic engine is as natural as the air we breathe.
… That innovation can be a rising tide that lifts us all at once.
… That if we find the status quo to be limiting, we possess the power to change it.
Through the VC and startup ecosystem (especially in SV)— I have had the honor of working with some of the smartest, hardworking, heart-centered, human beings.
I have had the opportunity to benefit from the positive-sum attitudes that have brought me serendipitous blessings— mental, emotional, and material.
It is my intention to continue to reciprocate and receive. I do this in the form of augmenting founder talent.
Innovation is a pillar of US preeminence. The incredible weight and responsibility placed on our innovation ecosystem filters down through investors and directly onto the shoulders of driven, hard-working founders.
Our nation’s hopes and dreams are baked into risk-capital.
It is through courageous founders, investors, and hardworking teams that we can bring forth new realities to improve all aspects of the human experience.
Yes, the startup ecosystem and its methods all have room for improvement. And, often, our results fall short of our intentions. We are often criticized as such.
But to err is to be human: to keeping striving for 10X is a testament to our spirit.